Frank in FT

Steve Grube grube at
Fri Apr 6 22:40:44 PDT 2001

Carl Remick wrote:
> >Financial Times - April 6, 2001
> >
> >When markets rule politics
> >Privatising US Social Security would give Wall Street undue influence
> >over public policy, says Thomas Frank
> >... But even though the bull market has died, its greatest legacy, the
> >proposal to partially privatise Social Security, is still very much
> >alive.
> No way. This is one bad idea that is safe to consign to the rubbish bin of
> history.
> Carl

Funny how privatizing S.S. would seem to be only just *now* a very bad idea to the average citizen (I hope), but what does it take for people to see more clearly through the lies behind the Bush tax cut, FTAA, Global Warming deniers, the "liberal" media, compassionate conservatism, campaign refinance reform deniers, etc.? -Steve Grube

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