The left: still dying (was Re: European Unions)

Carrol Cox cbcox at
Sat Apr 7 14:55:43 PDT 2001

Carl Remick wrote:

Carl, don't be stupid. Go look up Marx in encyclopedias published before 1917 -- they treat him as sort of a cute sideshow exhibit. And he still wouldn't scare anyone if it were not for the many people around the world _now_ who _are_ marxism. Do you really think that marxism (or any other ism for that matter) consists of paper and printer's ink.

Also, who the fuck cares whether or not the inhabitants of boardrooms are scared.

A spectre is haunting Europe -- and the spectre named existed without any help at all from marx. If it hadn't existed without his help the Manifesto would never have been written. Before it was written by Marx & Engels it was written in the blood of workers in many nations -- and it is _still_ only in such new blood that Marx can scare anyone.


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