Doug Henwood dhenwood at
Mon Apr 9 09:29:37 PDT 2001

Chuck0 wrote, in the midst of an interesting post on the problems at AAAS:

>On one hand, there was the belief by many Internet users
>that information should be free. While I share that belief, I think that
>many are naive about the costs involved in putting issues of a magazine

Or the costs of developing the information in the first place. I'm constantly getting emails from people complaining that LBO is too expensive, that I should give it away on the web, that I should put up Acrobat versions of Wall Street and A New Economy? (when it's done, which won't be long, I swear!), etc. Like I'm not trying to pay the rent by writing, like it costs nothing for Internet access, subscriptions, phone calls, travel, and like it takes no time to maintain a website. The net has bred a righteous sense of entitlement among users, because it seems to be costless - there's no commodity you can drop on your foot, so it must be free, right?

Kvetch, kvetch, kvetch,


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