
Forstater, Mathew ForstaterM at
Mon Apr 9 12:15:28 PDT 2001

To add to Charles, see also Lawrence Krader's (ed.) _The Ethnological Notebooks of Karl Marx_. In addition to Morgan, Marx also studied Phear, Maine, and Lubbock. The field of Marxist anthropology is an extremely important section of Marxist studies, and not just--or, perhaps, not even most importantly--for the study of 'pre-capitalist' formations, but for the study of capitalism itself, as well as the possibilities for post-capitalism. If you notice, Engels added a footnote on this issue to the first sentence of the Communist Manifesto main text, confining its content to written history as follows:

Charles wrote:

Marx also substantially approved of Lewis Henry Morgan' work , which made the same distinction as Sahlins does between kinbased societies ( societas) and terrirtory based societies ( civitas). Also, Marx and Engels are famous for seeing "primitive communism" as future communism with lower technique ( and at a different level of the spiral).

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