> > > The ejidos have been suffering through a deepening crisis for at
>>> least two decades now; supplemental income has been needed for some
>>> time--I don't think free trade can be blamed alone.
>But it doesn't help...
Yet the fixation on free trade has to be explained as well. It seems to me counterproductive.
>contaminated Mexican strawberries in the school cafeteria....
don't know where the strawberries were contaminated, how typical this is of Mexican fruit exports, how much such scare stories are concocted by protectionist sentiment, how easily this could be avoidable. So I am not willing to take away the Mexican ability to export strawberries just yet.
>And it's not just tainted food that's slipping into the country.
No numbers from Bonior.
>According to the Drug Enforcement Agency, 70 percent of the cocaine
>entering the United States now rolls across the Mexican border. One
>former DEA official called NAFTA "a deal made in narco-heaven."
Where was it rolling in from before NAFTA? Was it being sent down as care packages from Colombian helicopters?
Yours, Rakesh