redeploying server farms

Peter K. peterk at
Tue Apr 17 06:33:57 PDT 2001

Peter vanden Heusden: [clip]
>other space. This all fuels a change of focus - on the one hand
>intense orientation towards finding / creating niche markets
>(using tools like market surveys, branding, etc.), and on the
>other hand a zealous defence of intellectual property. This is
>pretty much the ethos of the 'New Economy', and while a whole
>lot of that is so much fluff, the growing wars over IP, etc.
>suggest that this isn't all total bullshit.
>So, what changes? One question which I'm stuck on is, what
>does capital mean in an economy like this? Is the Nike brand
>capital? What makes something 'intellectual capital' rather
>than simply intellectual property?

Would that be the difference between capital and property? I'm out of my depth, but what makes something intellectual property is the law, and then ultimately, the gun. What's happening with HIV drugs prices in India and South Africa is very interersting.


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