Hitchens No Orwell

Peter K. peterk at enteract.com
Tue Apr 17 17:06:43 PDT 2001

>The reality is that even the Right admits that a generation or two ago, a
>conservative intellectual was an oxymoron. They spent decades very
>deliberately building up an infrastructure of training and institutions to
>create their cadres. In fact, they modelled thmselves on earlier
>generations of leftwing activists and their intellectual institution
>I wish more leftwingers would copy the practices of the rightwing, which
>would actually be copying the left's best practices from the past in
>struggling for intellectual hegemony.

I've heard Rick Perlstein's new book on Barry Goldwater, "Before the Storm," is supposed to be good. William "Let's Teach China a Lesson She Shan't Forget" Kristol wrote an interesting review of it for the New York Times Book Review a week or so ago. Perlstein, a leftist, shows how grass-roots Republicans responded to Barry Goldwater's landslide defeat in 1964 — not by trying to install new party leaders, but by forming think tanks, training activists, knocking on doors and electing true believers to local offices.


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