Hentoff on Horowitz

michael pugliese debsian at pacbell.net
Wed Apr 18 11:13:34 PDT 2001

Pardon me while I burn my copies of volumes by Phillip and Daniel Berrigan. What is the term used by Cardinal Bernadin? "seamless garment" Not my position, even when I was still a Catholic yrs. ago, but, opposition to war, death penalty, abortion, of the Berrigans and others is a minority position in the anti-abortion movement. See Sojoerners (never can spell that right! The magazine ed. by Jim Wallis) Juli Loesch of, "Feminists for Life.

And I'll discard that copy of the collected essays of A.J. Muste edited by Nat Hentoff. Once, I did some volunteer work at the N. Ca. Civil Liberties Union. Asked the staffer about Hentoff vs. ACLU. Temperature was raised. Prefer, Dave McReynolds reaction when I asked once. He said, Nat was being consistent as he saw it. Michael Pugliese

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