Poor me

Chris Doss chrisd at russiajournal.com
Wed Apr 18 23:52:17 PDT 2001

Actually, I have gotten zero mail from them in the nine months I've been here, although I sent them my address. Hmmm.

This is going to be weird to deal with. There is virtually no paper trail of wages in Russia. I have no idea if the place I work for even reports them, though it may.

Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2001 11:50:54 -0700 From: "Bob Morris" <bobmorris at mediaone.net> Subject: RE: Poor me

U.S. Student loans are not dischargeable through bankruptcy, default, attack by space aliens, meteors hitting the planet, or anything else. They -will- track you down.

Of course, since you are in Russia, you could blame the %^&*# Russian postal service and say you never got notice of the loan payments.

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