>But I think that was exactly Carrol's point. The handing out of rewards
>or punishments is defensable to the extent that they serve as either
>incentives or deterrents to specific behaviors. One need not refer to
>a notion of desert (taken as a primitive) to justify this. Furthermore,
>the abandonment of such a notion helps pave the way to acceptance
>of a more egalitarian social order.
> > give me a break!
i typed give me a break because carrol leaped to, yet again, a ridiculous conclusion. i returned the favor. get it? when i said deservingness, i did not mean desert. i illustrated what i meant with an example: the student who flips the bird at the rest of the community and pisses all over his or her free education. i also noted that i figued that this wouldn't happen or at least hoped it wouldn't (to add: b/c i would imagine that marx is right about our entire consciousness being different) that would be clear from expending just a weensie bit of effort.