punishment (was: Student Loans & Bankruptcies (was Re: creati ve financing)

Archer.Todd at ic.gc.ca Archer.Todd at ic.gc.ca
Wed Apr 25 08:56:38 PDT 2001

Yoshie quoted:

Have these genealogist of morals had even the remotest suspicion that, for example, the major moral concept Schuld [guilt] has its origin in the very material concept Schulden [debts]" (_The Genealogy of Morals_)? The creditor is given the right to inflict suffering upon the debtor in the event of non-payment. In other words, guilt = unpaid debts, and punishment = the creditor's right to inflict pain.

Heh. I've been thinking for a while now that the habitual power of the haves to "give" or not to the have-nots originated in humanity's hominid ancestors. Some big ape pissed a circle around something to say "mine", fended off comers to "his" treasure, then only permitted those who were prepared to make deference to him to make use of what is "his."


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