Max Sawicky sawicky at
Wed Apr 25 06:04:51 PDT 2001

'71 was the year of the May Day actions in Washington. Mass civil disobedience. Think Seattle, but with lots more people. We did everything the Black Bloc did, although we weren't as well accessorized.

That was succeeded by the huge mass mobilizations that reflected the mainstreaming of the movement, in other words its political success. Arguably that sort of activity, as well as considerations of foreign relations, prevented the U.S. from nuking North Vietnam, which could have actually won the war for the U.S. Obviously the sacrifices of Vietnamese were immeasurably greater, but the political impact of the movements in the U.S. and Europe should not be discounted.


Did these efforts stop the war? Nope. The Left anti-war movement had trailed off by 1971 and the war didn't end until 1974. If anything stopped the war, it was the pot-smoking GIs who fragged at least 3% of the officer core.

The anti-war movement was an impressive phenomenon, but it gives itself way too much credit for ending the war. Chuck0


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