Baby Killers & Collateral Damage: Part 2

Wojtek Sokolowski sokol at
Thu Apr 26 09:00:57 PDT 2001

At 01:55 AM 4/26/01 -0400, Yoshie quoted:
>***** New York Times 25 April 2001
>25-year-old lieutenant, Kerrey led a commando team on a raid of an
>isolated peasant hamlet called Thanh Phong in Vietnam's eastern
>Mekong Delta. While witnesses and official records give varying
>accounts of exactly what happened, one thing is certain: around
>midnight on Feb. 25, 1969, Kerrey and his men killed at least 13
>unarmed women and children. The operation was brutal; for months
>afterward, Kerrey says, he feared going to sleep because of the
>terrible nightmares that haunted him.

>Kerrey -- who left the Senate in January and is now president of the
>New School University in New York -- says he has spent the last three

Yet another peculiar American institution: being a war criminal err.. "hero" is a requisite of being a political leader and the president of a liberal academic institution. A role model for the New School New Democrats, indeed. But hey, liberal pop-psychology is an excellelent coping tool - it can whitewash and exonerare *aynthing*.

BTW, is it just me, or the louse sounds as if he was answering questions in a congressional hearing: "i do not remember," "i have no recollection?"


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