right on FBI

Max Sawicky sawicky at bellatlantic.net
Mon Apr 30 08:48:56 PDT 2001

I debated KOB once and learned I never had to read her, but this quote below is not conducive to the FBI initiative. We would expect the same sort of dependency between bureaucrats and the FBI groups. Same game, different players.


By Kate O'Beirne and Ramesh Ponnuru. Mrs. O'Beirne is Washington editor, and Mr. Ponnuru a senior editor, of National Review.


"The Great Society did not fail because of a lack of competition or of accountability-minded administrators. It failed because it bred mutual dependency between federal government and proxy networks. Middle-class nonprofit managers not only provided services under federal programs; because they provided services, they also became the primary constituents for those programs. Keeping the grants flowing became the main concern of both the nonprofits and the government. That's why these programs have been a political but not practical success. They are impervious to reform."

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