I said: The authors are Henry J. Aaron, Alan S. Blinder, Alicia H. Munnell, and Peter R. Orszag.
It's amazing to see the slanders of these people and their rebuttal in Usenet newsgroups. John K. Taber
<< Max asks: Slanders of who, by whom, and in which newsgroups?
Boy, I sure wasn't clear was I?
Aaron, Blinder, Munnell, and Orszag are the victims, as well as their report. Maybe sneers would be a better word.
Newsgroups include sci.econ and soc.retirement, with sci.econ being the worst. Websites include www.newsmax.com and the Washington Times though I haven't checked the WT personally.
By whom? I didn't pay attention to names but the origin seems to be Bush PR people (my guess).
-- John K. Taber