Brainwashed Amerikkkans

Michael Pugliese debsian at
Fri Aug 3 10:07:54 PDT 2001

In the rancorous exchange between Charles and I recently, I was esp. amused at his charge I was a brainwashed, mind control victim. Read more than a bit over the years on MKULTRA and more generally on the CIA. (Angus Mackenzie Secrets The CIA's War at Home)

Here is scanned the Senate hearings on it. 5-5943235 The Jim Keith book s/b amusing though. He wrote two books on, "Black Helicopters." As is this hoax, The Martin A. Lee and Bruce Sclain book on the CIA and LSD is much more reliable. Martin wrote, "The Beast Reawakens, " on post WWII neo-fascism. Much material there, btw, on what Christopher Simpson and Russ Bellant have written on> recruitment of Nazi spies into CIA networks.

Final cite on Mind Control. Robert Jay Lifton book from the late 50's on brainwashing, never read, s/b good. Michael Pugliese

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