Goldman Sachs: scrap the strong dollar policy

Ian Murray seamus2001 at
Fri Aug 3 12:08:59 PDT 2001

> Amazing news: Goldman Sachs, former home of Robert Rubin, leading
> architect of the Clinton administration's strong dollar policy, now
> says:
> "The time has come to scrap the strong dollar policy. It was
> appropriate when the US economy was in a boom and dollar
> helped to keep inflation pressures in check. But it now works at
> cross-purposes to the goal of stimulating demand, and it undermines
> US international trade competitiveness."
> To quote JFK, this is almost like L'Osservatore Romano criticizing
the Pope.
> Doug
======== Aren't there some contradictions in the postulating of demand increases with a $ devaluation? Sure they want to stimulate exports, but what of the costs of the factor inputs rising for manufacturing exporters and what about consumer demand if stuff at Wal-Mart and Circuit City costs more?


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