more on Horowitz

Doug Henwood dhenwood at
Sat Aug 4 14:14:37 PDT 2001

[Michael Pugliese sent a link while I was away to a dispute over a piece on the alleged death of paleoconservatism in the white supremacist American Renaissance <>. In a response, the antiracist Justin Raimondo of makes this interesting point <> about David Horowitz. There's no end to Horowitz' evil.]

>This proffered advice leads us to consider just what it is that
>motivates such an unholy alliance, white racialists like Lubinskas'
>and Taylor's American Renaissance in league with David Horowitz,
>whose The Art of Political War was touted by Bush strategist Carl
>Rove and who seems to style himself the Lenin of compassionate
>conservatism. A look at the evolution of the Frontpage website in
>terms of subject matter is instructive. Initially, the great
>preponderance of articles on the site were concerned with foreign
>policy, as well as general conservative themes, and specifically
>with pushing the idea of an impending military threat from either
>China, Russia, or both, with emphasis on the former. Wen Ho Lee,
>victimized by the New York Times, was also vilified in Frontpage,
>and a special front group was set up demanding that Dubya make a
>radically increased "defense" budget the linchpin of his campaign.
>But the emphasis began to change a few months ago with a flood of
>articles about the alleged frequency of "black hate crimes." Studies
>purportedly showing that blacks not only hate whites, but are also a
>physical danger to them - studies also circulated by the "New
>Century Foundation," publisher of American Renaissance, with
>Lubsinkas listed as the contact person - have recently been touted
>on Frontpage as "proof" that Black Hate is a Major Threat. Aside
>from a mutual resentment of Buchanan and his lasting influence on
>conservative opinion, what appears to unite the followers of Jared
>Taylor with the ostensibly neconservative Frontpage is a growing
>rapprochement over the Race Question. While they may agree to
>disagree on the genetic and "scientific" basis of their joint
>political program, they share a common style on matters of race -
>and, besides, compassionate conservatism, whatever its other
>virtues, does not exactly inspire the troops with genuine passion,
>nor does it keep the contributions flowing. When the alleged threat
>of the Yellow Peril failed to catch fire with conservatives, a
>danger of another color was required. Horowitz has been accused of
>racism before, but always by politically correct liberals out to mug
>someone who dared to stand up to them. This latest development,
>collaborating with neo-Nazis, however, is troubling evidence that
>perhaps Horowitz's critics were not too far off the mark.
>Neoconservatives should, at the very least, sit up and take notice
>at Horowitz's Faustian pact with the intellectual heirs of Lothrop
>Stoddard and Alfred Rosenberg

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