Republikflucht (was: Re: PDS on the Berlin Wall - and present walls!)

Johannes Schneider Johannes.Schneider at
Tue Aug 14 03:50:11 PDT 2001

Chris Burford wrote:

> (Shortly before the anniversary there was new research claiming that as
> many as 75,000 east German's were imprisoned at some stage or another in
> the attempts to enforce restrictions against leaving the DDR. - can
> Johannes or others confirm I got that figure right??)

Thats the number that made it to the German and international press last week e.g. The number is based on this report: Bernd Eisenfeld; Roger Engelmann: 13. August 1961: Mauerbau. Fluchtbewegung und Machtsicherung. Mit einem Vorwort von Marianne Birthler 120 Seiten, ca. 100 Abbildungen Buchhandelsausgabe im Festeinband: Edition Temmen, Bremen Preis: 24,90 DM Paperbackausgabe im BStU-Selbstverlag Schutzgebühr 10,00 DM

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