WB on its critics

David Hearne ottercrk at sover.net
Sat Aug 18 09:43:48 PDT 2001

>> It is; I've even got the nexis stats to prove it (though usage in
>> first half of 2001 was off a bit from 2000H1, after a sharp five-
>> year rise). I think one should name the things that "globalization"
>> effaces - the intensification of market disciplines, the shredding
>> the welfare state, the growth of imperial power - and, holding
>> contradictory thoughts firmly in mind, also point, a la Empire, to
>> the good things hidden within it, like cosmpolitanism, fascinating
>> cultural cross-pollination, etc.

Curiously enough, isn't it the perceived "cosmopolitanism" and "cultural cross-pollination" (real or not) which partially drives right-wingers like Pat Buchanan against NAFTA?

-- Dadvid

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