Pop Front Communists and WWII demobilization

Michael Pugliese debsian at pacbell.net
Sat Aug 18 11:00:35 PDT 2001

There was a small thread on this started by Yoshie a while back. I always pick up the CPUSA paper PWW at the YMCA ("...at the YMCA"....by the Village People! BTW, only one of the Village People was gay!), the August 11th issue with the banner headline on the top fold of the front pg. is, "U.N. Challenges Bush on Racism, " has a letter inside from William Pomeroy. Michael Pugliese

"Lew Moroze, who died on July 7th, was one of a group of U.S. Communists who were in the U.S. Army in the Philliphines during and just after WWII, and who are remembered by Filipino comrades for their support and solidarity. They helped to organize a massive demonstration of U.S. servicemen in Manila at war's end to demanxd return to the United States.

This was just not a homesick movement but, was to prevent retention of large U.S. forces in the Phillipines for imperialist purposes against liberation movements throughout S.E. Asia. The Phillipines guerilla movement, Hukbalahap, (see Pomoroy book from Int'l. Pubs. on the Huks, M.P.) which had fought Japanese occupation and , led by Partido Kommunista Phillipines (PKP), was a major political factor in the post-war independence, was a principal target of imperialist plans." <snip> William Pomoroy, London

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