Free speech (was EU)

jean-christophe helary helary at
Wed Aug 22 10:10:14 PDT 2001

<Michael Perelman>-----
> This is the best line I have heard from JH.

thank you for the digest.

> James Heartfield wrote:
> > No society that is incapable of deliberating upon its own future could
> > in any sense be called a democracy. No society that's deliberations were
> > restricted could properly consider its own future.

our modern consumer whatever societies restrict citizen's deliberations' abilitybecause they are consumption oriented systems and the system is controled by the media and lets marginals at the margins so that everybody can testify there is freedom of whatever you want. there is not even freedom of consumption. how could there be freedom of speech. our societies work because hundreds of millions of people are economically oppressed and have no right at all. our globalized societies are not democracies.

jc helary

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