Free speech (was EU)

jean-christophe helary helary at
Thu Aug 23 09:33:23 PDT 2001

> >how could there be freedom of speech. our societies work because hundreds of
> >millions of people are economically oppressed and have no right at all. our
> >globalized societies are not democracies.
> Assuming that your pessimistic dismissal of your fellow citizens false
> consciousness is correct,
> are you saying that free speech *is* important, because it is denied....
> or ....
> are you saying that free speech is a utopian goal that should be
> shelved?
> --
> James Heartfield

i am saying nothing of that. i don't believe in freedom of speech. speech is a commodity and is (cannot be) free in whatever meaning you understand free. assuming that you understand that economic oppression and democracy are the two 'pillars' of our 'developped' societies, you probably see what i mean. if you don't, you'll have to save your arguments for a while, i'll be off for 6 weeks starting saturday. but i really want to be convinced that i am wrong.


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