Skulls and Bones

Dennis Robert Redmond dredmond at
Thu Aug 23 16:13:34 PDT 2001

On Thu, 23 Aug 2001, Chuck Grimes wrote:

> reminds me, aren't we living under a reign of white southern racist,
> jerk-water fascists with shit for brains, and nobody cares?

Geopolitically, the US is a Second World economy with a Third World electoral system, ruled over by braindead military-industrial petro-weapons clans, so none of this should be surprising. Thank the Goddess that the EU and Japan have this 2 trillion euro EMP gun wired into Wall Street's neuroelectronic skull. If the US ever gets out of hand -- blammo.

Personally, I can't help but note that, some time over the past year, I stopped automatically writing "we" as a synonym for "Americans" in my email, and started adding qualifiers with the appenda "US"-this or "American"-that. A totally unconscious shift, it's like the fingers are smarter than the brain.

-- Dennis

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