racist comedy (aside)

Gregory Geboski ggeboski at union.org.za
Tue Aug 28 09:02:16 PDT 2001

I always thought that the central conceit was lifted from Gogol's "Dead Souls." This largely evidence-free conclusion is based in part on Brooks's follow-up movie, a version of Ilf and Petrov's "Twelve Chairs," which suggested to me a possible Brooks familiarity with Gogol... A big difference is that Brooks's criminal scheme is much more rational than Gogol's...

On Tue, 28 Aug 2001 12:02:44 +0100 (BST)

Daniel Davies <d_squared_2002 at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> while I was on holiday in Edinburgh, Max wrote:
> >. The Brooks play (based on my favorite
> > movie of all time)
> Which compels me to spoil the movie for everybody by
> revealing that, as I found
> out the week before last, the central conceit of "The
> Producers" (trying to
> find the worst possible artist in order to ensure the
> failure of a project
> which has been sold several times over) is directly
> lifted from Ayn Rand's "The
> Fountainhead"!
> unless anyone knows different.
> dd
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