Open Source capitalists

Ian Murray seamus2001 at
Tue Aug 28 13:31:51 PDT 2001

Capitalism is the most adaptive economic system ever
> invented, nothing is more flexible.
========= Then why is the planet so fucked up--see "Something New Under the Sun" by J R McNeill; we're the most inelegant species tossed up by evolution that I've seen. The question seems to be can capitalism adapt to it's own maladaptiveness especially given the Biblical approach to the planet *still* dominant in the US. The inequalities of knowledge are only going to exacerbate the inequalities of wealth unless we radically democratize access to scientific knowledge in order to have a, literally, faster and more productive discussion about what to do with all the knowledge we have available to mitigate ecosystem stresses.

McNeill's book is a great riposte to the guy who's getting all the green headlines.


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