Israel Cabinet 7 for and 7 against toppling Arafat....plusIsrael Turns Palestinian Towns into Prisons

Nathan Newman nathan at
Tue Dec 4 09:33:41 PST 2001

----- Original Message ----- From: "Seth Ackerman" <sia at> -Wow, that's thin gruel. So the Dem leadership runs from AIPAC-friendly -Gephardt to Sharon-friendly Lieberman? Sign me up!

Seth, this is possibly the lamest snip-and-respond post I have ever seen. It's pretty intellectually weak to pick the weakest part of the post as the summary to respond to.

You neatly snipped out the part where I noted that the Number Two Dem in the House, Bonior, was personally meeting with Arafat as early as 1982 to try to organize direct talks between the PLO and the US and that in 1988, roughly half the Senate Dems, including the present Majority Leader Daschle, publicly condemned the Shamir government's policy during the first intifada. Neither of those are "AIPAC-friendly", but then folks seem to share the mirror-image of AIPAC's lack of nuance in seeing anyone who doesn't agree with them 100% as the enemy.

-- Nathan Newman

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