Quasi-Official Policymaking

michael pugliese debsian at pacbell.net
Tue Dec 4 10:56:19 PST 2001

Current TNR has a piece by Kaplan, "The 21 Day Plan, " which casts doubt on whether everyone among the key players in the Dubya admin. are on the same pg. re: the utility of arming the Iraqi National Congress (which includes the Iraqi Communist Party, btw) to overthrown the Ba'athist regime via the Kurdish opposition in the North and the Sunnis in the South vs. smaller objectives of forcing UN inspections regime of WMD.

Also see, Chris Matthews in the Sunday S.F. Chronicle punditizing that 500K to a million troops would be needed to overthrow the regime and other realpolitik reasons not to go to Phase two. http://www.sfgate.com

Though I've only glanced at it, brother of Alex, Patrick Cockburn in his recent book on Iraq has stuff on the numerous failed CIA plots in the 90's to overthrow S. Hussein. Michael Pugliese

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