Ollie Gives a Speech

kwalker2 at gte.net kwalker2 at gte.net
Tue Dec 4 14:32:53 PST 2001

pre-game show apology: sorry for some rilly rilly whacked digest-after-swallowing post--I managed to leave out an entire section altogether. i work out of my house, so i get a fair share of distractions, especially when the kids are home from school. my son let the Iguana out. couldn't find him.

i stop my editing to have a look see. we were looking everywhere they like to hide--shelves, coat closet, behind things, etc. So, I'm standing next to the drum kit, shining a flash light behind a bookshelf. nada. no lizard.

i walk away and glance at the snare drum--the thing is clinging to the snare drum, still as can be. blended right in! if my head were Velcro, i'd be sticking to the ceiling right now. hmmm. i know some men who'd appreciate the velcro when women's heads aren't flat....

i'm still recovering....that's why the post was missing some parts--more than my usual lysdexic slippage. i came back to the desk to work, thought my editing was finished, and sent it off. after i got over the shock of that dang lizard, i remembered that i hadn't finished at all.

kelley ---------------- Amusing coverage of a recent speech by alleged human and former state terrorist Ollie North...


Excerpt: Finally, however, a young, conservatively dressed woman stood up and interrupted North's speech.

"Were you being a good Christian when you smuggled drugs into our country and sold weapons to terrorists?" she asked.

North's eyebrows fell; his voice followed. He politely offered to respond to her question "a little bit later, if that's okay with you."

Apparently to help facilitate that offer, a dozen church ushers and security guards hastily escorted the woman out of the building.

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