stocks, performance bonds, etc

Carl Remick carlremick at
Wed Dec 5 13:56:56 PST 2001

>From: "Daniel Davies" <dsquared at>
>... I am prepared to underwrite an amount of 1000 US
>dollars, for the purpose of compensating any tradesperson who has been
>stiffed on a payment due from Doug as a result of comments they have >made
>on lbo-talk.
>... Assuming he is willing, I would nominate Carl Remick as the binding
>arbitrator for any claims.

Am honored, DD. Since the corporate PR field remains willing to soldier on without my writing skills for the time being (depriving investors/consumers of my wondrous ability to inspire and no doubt slowing US economic recovery), I would be happy to use my capacity for rendering truly Solomonic judgments in the service of greater LBO-list amity.


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