Night of the living "dead generations"/ nite of the living dead imperialism

Charles Brown CharlesB at
Wed Dec 5 12:38:34 PST 2001

Night of the living "dead generations"/ nite of the living dead imperialism

CB: So, you are for "experience is the best teacher", "school of hard knocks" , " no gain without pain" ?. Would you rather learn through a nightmare, which is a fantasy and not real, or really suffer ?

Would you rather be born with the invented wheel, fire discovered, language, f =ma, tampons, or would you rather have to go through all the trouble to reinvent and discover them ? :>)

What is the dark corridor of the same old thing (on the left) ? Wasn't the VietNam war stopped ? Wasn't 1917 successful ?

"The worse the better" is not "orthodox vanguardism" . It is leftwing communism.

Thomas Seay wrote:
> --- Charles Brown <CharlesB at> w
> : Better for the living generation to go through and learn from the trials and errors of dead generations in the unreal fantasy of a nightmare than to actually go through them in reality. The big
> > advantage that humans have is that new generations
> > can learn from the experience of past generations
> > without going through those experiences as hard
> > knocks.
> >
> I wish that were true. Look at the situation of the
> Left. A lot of people are afraid or dubious of taking
> action thinking it will just lead down a dark corridor
> to the same old thing. Then you have the orthodox
> Left which thinks that we need to do 1917 all over
> again.

And many on the orthodox vanguardist Left also see the current situation as an opportunity. I never was one to hope that conditions would get worse for people so that my brand of radical politics would have an "opportunity."

I think we were doing just fine before 9/11, thank you.

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