Hitchens on genocide

Peter K. peterk at enteract.com
Wed Dec 5 18:37:48 PST 2001

>Besides, he might be more valuable to the Left in opposition
>than in alliance, especially if he's deteriorating as some
>of you say.
>-- Gordon

What is "Left" to you? What is non-left? Take Baltasar Garzon for example. He's the Spanish judge who initiated the successful prosecution of General Pinochet, and has also secured the detention in Mexico of the Argentine torturer Ricardo Miguel Cavallo, who is now held in prison awaiting extradition, I believe. Or he have have been extradited already.

Garzon also recently arrested 8 alleged members of Al Queda, but said he won't extradite them to the U.S. because of the military tribunals and the death penalty.

Is he *Left* enough for you, or is he in opposition because he's supporting America's "war on terror."

No doubt Edward Herman has never said a nice word about Garzon, a person who is so "weak willed" that he succumbs to the hegemonic ideas of Empire.


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