Hitchens on genocide

Dennis dperrin13 at mediaone.net
Thu Dec 6 09:34:02 PST 2001

> "The new mantra in rightwing circles in Washington has it that
> Hamas and Hizbullah are the exact equivalents of al-Qaida. A
> brief thought-experiment shows how and why this is not so. If it
> were so, then we would expect to see British and American ground
> forces going right into Gaza behind General Sharon, and right
> into southern Lebanon to help restore Israel's once-proud
> "security zone". But this is not occurring. Ask yourself why not,
> and you will see that certain questions quite simply answer
> themselves."

Hip hooray for this. And while I didn't really think Hitch would stoop as low as to embrace Sharon, I do think, as he once told me, anybody is capable of anything. Still, how does he square the above with his support for the War on Terror? Does he stop at the Taliban, or will he wave the pom-poms when Iraq is invaded? And if he stops at the Taliban, then what will he say once the liberators of Afghanistan look to bomb another country "out of the Stone Age"? You run his site, Peter. Surely as his cyber-Boswell you have an inkling.

And as for this -- "If it were so, then we would expect to see British and American ground forces going right into Gaza behind General Sharon, and right into southern Lebanon to help restore Israel's once-proud 'security zone' " -- why on earth would the US and Brits commit ground troops when Israel has all the US weaponry it needs, and the green light from Washington to use it? Waste of manpower and misuse of a violent client state.


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