Herman on Hitchens

Bradford DeLong jbdelong at uclink.berkeley.edu
Thu Dec 6 10:39:40 PST 2001

>During the Vietnam war many of us who assailed the US
>attack were regularly chided by people who insisted that we equally denounce
>the NLF and government of North Vietnam, and if we didn't do this regularly
>to provide "balance," we were apologists. You are an heir of that great
> Sincerely,
> Ed Herman

It does make one curious: if Ed Herman had spent more time denouncing (and learning about) the CPVN, the NLF, and the Khmer Rouge, would he have perhaps been less "enthusiastic" about their victory in 1975?

If you are trying to do *real* politics--that is, make the world a better place--"balance" would seem to be an important requirement, not something to be scorned...

Brad DeLong

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