Oil games in Central Asia

Chris Doss chrisd at russiajournal.com
Fri Dec 7 04:37:51 PST 2001

Sorry for the delay -- for some reason I didn't read this when I first received it.

I really don't know that much, except that they want it to go through Russia (duh) and go through Ukraine or Belarus. Preferably Belarus, because Ukraine steals Russian gas being piped through the country and Belarus is reliable (also the least corrupt country in the CIS, if you believe the anti-Belarus Soros Foundation).

There is no doubt in my mind that Western obssessing about Belarusian President Lukashenko's democratic failings has a lot to do with this, while pro-Western Bloody Edward Schevardnadze in Georgia gets applauded as a great fighter for democracy and virtually nobody at all talks about Tajikistam, the president of which built a gigantic rotating statue of himself in the middle of Ushanbe.

Chris Doss The Russia Journal

While we've broached the hydrocarbons issue, what are Russian plans for Khazak gas?


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