permissiveness: the cause of terrorism

michael pugliese debsian at
Thu Dec 13 19:37:39 PST 2001

Re: permissiveness: the cause of terrorism

- ----- Original Message ----- From: "Max Sawicky" <sawicky at>

> There was a particular bit of ugliness right next door to
> me here in liberal Montgomery County.


It can't be liberal, my folks and my sister live there...........


I grew up in Rockville, MD., the county seat of Montgomery County. Left the summer of '74. McGovern carried the congressional district in '72 against Nixon, Jerry Brown carried it in the Democratic primary in '76.

Max, what's the story on the other silly politician on the Montgomery County Bd. of Supes that recently proposed to ban tobacco smoking indoors?

(To the Best of Our Knowledge - July 1996 Programs ... Regulate the Industry - Richard Kluger; Selling to Teens - Philip Hilts; Treatment Programs - Dr. Richard Hurt; Anti-Smoking Fanatics - David Shaw. ... Bk960728 ... is around forty three percent. SEGMENT 3: David Shaw is the media critic for the L.A. Times... notice the fervor of the anti-smoking movement and wonders if it's gone ... )

(Where my Dad lives, Ventura County in California, I saw that the head of the county board of ed. wanted to ban Harry Potter...) Michael Pugliese

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