[Re: On John Walker]

DsR wingnut2000 at usa.net
Sun Dec 16 00:12:40 PST 2001

Jordan Hayes <jmhayes at j-o-r-d-a-n.com> wrote:
> > The real question is what to charge him with.
> I would presume treason. 18 USC 2381.
> It's cool that not only is death the penalty, but you also
> can't hold an office anymore either.
> http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/unframed/18/2381.html
> But I'm not a lawyer.

And I'm not an ethicist, so explain to me what makes the treason of John Walker, Taliban fighter, more or less worthy of the death penalty than the treason of another Walker (as in USN Walker, Sr. Chief, crypto) or the CIA's Aldrich Ames? Ames sold out and betrayed countless more lives for cash than this pitiful young Taliban Walker, and Ames is living out his sentence, courtesy of the U.S. citizenry.

- Deb R.

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