permissiveness: the cause of terrorism

Charles Brown CharlesB at
Mon Dec 17 10:40:00 PST 2001

permissiveness: the cause of terrorism


This is a generic line being peddled by all sorts of far-right wackos. We have a stable of them on our local "Clear Channel" (sic) station that I've been listening to for a couple of weeks.

It's starting to get to be too much for me, but their tactics are consistent and interesting, in a perverse way, and possibly important insofar as they have real political effects:

Anyone who raises the issue of racism is a racist.


CB: This is fundamental Reaganite racism. Black people and "reverse racism" are the main racists and racism today , according to this. The Supreme Court's perverse reverse discrimination doctrine is a bedrock of this in the U.S.A today. If the SC says its ok , it's legit


Anyone who objects to exclusion of non-christian symbols from secular, state activities is an anti- christian bigot. Anyone Democrat or liberal who criticizes foreign or defense policy is a traitor. Every bad thing that happens is attributed to liberals; the big things are on Bill Clinton (including OBL). Etc. etc.

They freely make up facts to fit whatever argument they make and readily call anyone who offers contrary facts to be liars. ..clip-


CB: They sort of sound like nazioids.

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