It's interesting that Britain openly asked the US to double its foreign aid to $50 billion to help ameliorate the conditions which encourgage terrorism. Of course, Herman doesn't note this fact. It might disturb his narrow worldview.
>>It is sad to see Nelson Mandela also supporting the U.S. "war
>>against terrorism" ("Anwar Sadat Lecture for Peace [sic],"
>>University of Maryland, Nov. 15, 2001), which I suspect he is
>>partly in the Mitterand-D'Alema mold--to be an accepted member
>>the respectable state cohort.
Maybe Mandela sees something Herman doesn't.
>>It is sad also that Mandela can't reflect on the fact that the
>>United States held the African National Congress to be a
>>organization in the 1980s, and that the CIA helped South Africa
>>capture and imprison its terrorist commander, Nelson Mandela.
>>would he think of a Third World country that had gotten on THAT
>>antiterrorist bandwagon?
It's sad that Herman thinks we're still in the 1980s, when in fact it's the 21st century. Maybe Mandela is aware of these issues. For one thing, the ANC never massacred 3,000 civilians and terrorized millions more in one sitting. It seem the much more experienced Mandela can spot an enemy whilst the condescending Herman can't.