The innocent dead in a coward's war

Bradford DeLong jbdelong at
Wed Dec 26 07:58:33 PST 2001

>Second thoughts about Brad's post:
>Brad suggests that only a few bond traders and losts of dishwashers,
>cooks, janitors, secretaries, etc. perished. As I understand the
>money to be allocated to the victims, the few bond traders count for a
>great deal, while the undocumented count for nothing.
>Michael Perelman

Meaning what, that the janitors did not really die? That their deaths weren't a bad thing? That the American legal system's notions of compensation for wrongful death are fucked up has little if any bearing on who died. If there is any thought at all behind this paragraph of yours, it is ugly, ugly, ugly.

Brad DeLong

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