A Modest Proposal for The Empire

Peter K. peterk at enteract.com
Wed Dec 26 10:24:21 PST 2001

>attacked. The ambivalent response of oppressed peoples around
the world
>marks how many of them grasp the contradiction: that the attack
does not
>directly harm the rulers but only the ruled on the one hand; on
>other hand the oppressed seemingly have no other way to strike
>except through such indirect attacks. And moreover, those who
>the attacks, while enemies U.S. imperialism, are not really
friends of
>the oppressed but candidates for becoming the new oppressors.
>None of these contradictions or complexities justify the ravings
of the
>defenders of imperialism (represented on this list by Brad), but
>should we deny that the contradictions exist.

Do I detect a split on the ultra-left? :0

By denigrating ObL and Al Queda - who just used Empire's violence against itself in what would have been a brilliant jujitsu move had it not been completely suicidal for ObL, Al Queda, and their friends in the Taliban (and possibly their sponsors in Pakistan) - you are giving aid and comfort to the United States and hence Capital, which can only spell more misery for the oppressed of the world.

And how do you know the oppressed of the world have been ambivalent in their responses?! Did you consult one of those oppressed polls?

Peter, against Empire and ultra-leftism

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