Pilger on "war on terrorism"

Mark Pavlick mvp1 at igc.org
Wed Dec 26 18:34:25 PST 2001


When Britain's own foreign aid contribution begins to meet the UN minimum, and Britain's own economic relations with the Third World start to change, statements like Brown's will begin to be more than hot air. - MP

> >> Brit hypocrisy about foreign aid. - MP
>>>Behind America's War
>>>By John Pilger
>Um, what's the date on this and where did you get it?
>From John himself?
>It's interesting he didn't mention Gordon Brown, Blair's
>rival, and his request to the U.S. that it double its foreign
>aid to $50 billion. He said there needs to be a new
>relationship between the rich and poor countries, which
>of course means the old relationship isn't working,
>something many mainstream folks will now admit.
>Inconvenient facts for Mr. Pilger.
>I'm surprised he didn't note the scandal concerning Tanzania,


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