Ah. Another malignant fuck...

Charles Jannuzi jannuzi at edu00.f-edu.fukui-u.ac.jp
Thu Dec 27 03:30:20 PST 2001

>By people who think that in some way >September 11 was "an attack upon
>Empire," a "doing unto Empire as >Empire has done unto you," rather
>than an act of mass murder, and one >that substantially strengthened
>the American right?
>If so, then I should have taken a much >longer vacation from this list.
>Brad DeLong

But you used terms like that for others as well, who weren't arguing anything like what you just outlined above. Which means that here you are acting like one heck of a self-serving, self-righteous uhhh...ummm....I know...piss ant. Charles Jannuzi

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