Empire: Hardt responds

Doug Henwood dhenwood at panix.com
Tue Feb 6 07:49:05 PST 2001

Just back from Germany and catching up with 2,000 emails...

Rob Schaap wrote:

>What's wrong with the idea that our preferences can be created/manipulated?

Nothing. But is that the only plausible explanation?

While in Germany, I saw a teen girl, who looked to be about 14, who'd decorated her backpack with silver magic markered versions of U.S. corporate logos - among them the Nike swoosh, of course, and FUBU (For Us By Us, intensely popular in black urban neighborhoods). What does that mean? Why did she do that? Is is "manipulation," or was she expressing some desire? "America" represents something to people outside this lovely country - what is it? "Manipulation" is just too simple an answer; people aren't *that* malleable, are they?


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