Turtle soup anyone?

Russell Grinker grinker at mweb.co.za
Wed Feb 7 05:37:28 PST 2001

>Russell Grinker:
>> As somebody once said, when a society starts treating animals like humans
>> it's only a matter of time before it treats human beings like animals...
>Hence, if you practice cannibalism, you'll have to
>give dogs the right to vote. (Although I guess their
>votes won't be counted, either.)

Well we're well on our way to giving great apes rights, so who knows?
>Makes a lot of sense. Who was that somebody? Surely
>philosophical insight of that order shouldn't be lost
>in the mists of history.

Sorry - can't help you. Anyone know? There was also the case of the shipwrecked ape hanged by the English (during the Napoleonic Wars I think) who were under the impression that it was a Frenchman. That was more likely just due to a bad case of English parochialism.


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