Is Henry Kissinger a War Criminal?

Michael Pugliese debsian at
Tue Feb 13 21:52:26 PST 2001 1.htm Is Henry Kissinger a War Criminal? With Christopher Hitchens, journalist Friday, February 9, 2001; 3 p.m. EST

In the Februrary issue of Harper's magazine, Hitchens, columnist for the Nation and Vanity magazines, wrote:

"We now ... enter upon the age when the defense of "sovereign immunity for state crimes has been held to be void," Hitchens writes. "... The House of Lord's ruling in London, on the international relevance of General Augusto Pinochet's crimes... and the verdicts of the International Tribunal at the Hague, have destroyed the shield that immunized crimes committed under the justification of raison d'etat. There is no reason why a warrant for the trial of Kissinger may not be issued in anyone of a number of jurisdictions and no reason why he may not be compelled to answer it."

In a lively, at times heated, discussion, Hitchens defended his argument as follows: <snip> Michael Pugliese

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