Tasteless site

Matt Cramer cramer at unix01.voicenet.com
Sat Feb 17 01:11:29 PST 2001

On Fri, 16 Feb 2001, kelley wrote:

[snip a bunch of shit that is just bickering better serviced by the rant below]

> of course, you will want to tell me that you aren't hostile at all and that
> you're just so unique and special. i call BS because the words you typed,
> above, are the words of someone who is perfectly happy to denounce
> Democrats, not just because they are Democrats (which is quite enough on a
> list like DC) but would rather make cheap shots like "leftwing propaganda".

Different thread, different context, different purpose, different goddamn *list* fer chrissakes. If you have issue with something I've said here, reply to it *here*. If you have issue with something I've posted to dc-stuff, then reply to it *there*.

This is not the first time you've flamed me on LBO for something I've said on dc-stuff. I don't know what your goal is - perhaps it pisses you off when another LBO member replies in a *thoughtful* manner to something I've posted here? Maybe you want to bring a dc-stuff thread into LBO so you can engage in some kind of mobbing action while flaming me?

I am not going to defend my dc-stuff posts here. I know damn well that stuff I write to dc-stuff would be hostile *IF* posted here. LBO is a different list with a different charter. It would be fucking rude of me to do that - rude to the rest of LBO. But you are the one being rude - rude to me and rude to the rest of LBO who probably don't give two shits about what I said on dc-stuff.

What you perceive to be "matt" on these various lists is just a version of "matt" within the context of each list. If you want to flame "dc-stuff matt" DO IT ON DC-STUFF.

Doug is the list owner of LBO - he has all the authority in the world to unscrieb me from LBO and ban my address. If you want me off the list, whine to him and maybe he'll do it. Do that and spare the rest of the LBO list in reading this pissing contest where you attack me by saying "hey LBO, look what matt said once on some other list at some other time". I seriously doubt anyone gives a damn.


-- Matt Cramer <cramer at voicenet.com> http://www.voicenet.com/~cramer/ Thou art God and I am God and all that groks is God, and I am all that I have ever been or seen or felt or experienced.


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