"1. the chairperson saying many people in US universities remain impressed by Marx
2.Erik Olin Wright arguing that it is better to talk about the Marxist Tradition as a terrain of debate rather than Marxism, and
3.David Ruccio, Editor of Rethinking Marxism, arguing that a core concept of marxism is class exploitation.
None of these would of course be sufficient for Lenin.
I did not listen beyond the first 5 minutes and more may have been said, but the fear is that this is academic marxism, legal marxism."
Similar preoccupations dominated at a panel at the Brecht Forum in New York on Friday, "_Capital_ and Capitalism." Hector Figueroa, a local official in the janitors' union (SEIU) was an exception, but he was only 1 of 7 panelists.
Andrew ("Drewk") Kliman Dept. of Social Sciences Pace University Pleasantville, NY 10570 USA phone: (914) 773-3968 fax: (914) 773-3951
Home: 60 W. 76th St. #4E New York, NY 10023 USA
"The practice of philosophy is itself theoretical. It is the critique that measures the individual existence by the essence, the particular reality by the Idea."