Freeing Uncle Ben from the Box: A Request

John K. Taber jktaber at
Wed Feb 21 15:41:22 PST 2001

The NYT reports a pretty one-sided argument between Renée Cox, the painter of Yo Mama's Last Supper, and William Donohue, the president of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights. See

She says "I have a right to interpret the Last Supper just as Leonardo da Vinci created the Last Supper with people who look like him," she said.

I think she wins hands down, no contest.

Anyhow, I've been out of it or something. The article mentions that she caused a stir before with a photo of herself posing as Superhero liberating Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben from their boxes. Le Monde made it the cover of one of their editions.

Anyhow, does any lbo-ster where I can get a jpg or gif of that cover. That one tickles my funnybone.

-- John K. Taber

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