Marxism, Queer Theory, Gender, published in January 2001, is the second volume of Transformation: Marxist Boundary Work in Theory, Economics, Politics and Culture, edited by Mas'ud Zavarzadeh, Teresa L. Ebert, and Donald Morton. (ISBN 0-9674545-0-6)
Donald Morton, "Pataphysics of the Closet";
Dana L. Cloud, "Queer Theory and 'Family Values': Capitalism's Utopias of Self-Invention";
Bob Nowlan, "Post-Marxist Queer Theory and 'The Politics of AIDS'";
Jennifer Cotter, "Sexual Harassment as/and (Self)Invention: Class, Sexuality, Pedagogy and (Creative) Writing";
Huei-ju Wang, "Women's 'Oppression' and Property Relations: From Sati and Bride-Burning to Late Capitalist 'Domestic Labor' Theories";
Rob Wilkie, "Cyberpedagogy and Class-as-Lifestyle, with an Epilogue on the Class Politics of Editing in (Corporate) Left Journals";
Teresa L. Ebert, "The Spectral Concrete: Bodies, Sex Work and (some notes on) Citizenship."
Available from bookstores,, and The Red Factory, PO Box 37302, University Station, Syracuse, New York 13235.